I got through~

Finally, today was my first class with the students from Standard 5. They weren't so bad after all, like I thought they would be. Maybe it's too soon to judge but hey, my first impression for them is above expectations. That's gotta be good, right?

Had a class with 5 Cekal this morning at 7.40am till 8.40am. They were nice. =P Also had a class with 5 Gigih later. There're a bunch of naughty-looking kids but hey, a class is not perfect without them, I might say~

Tomorrow I have a class with 1 Rajin and again, 5 Gigih. I hope I'll make it through though. Wish me luck, mates~


Love Sick

Blog started: 08/08/08
Age of Blog: 234 Days old
Best viewed with: Mozilla Firefox
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